Holle Milk Powder – The Source to Increase Nutrition in Body

Milk is very important in the growth of a child and most of us know very well the importance of milk in our everyday life. It is the source of high calcium and nutrients; which is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It is also the symbol of strength and good health. Also, the popularity of milk has further increased with the emergence of dairy industry and it has its benefits on a regular basis. Organic milk comes from a cow that has not been given antibiotics and has not been given hormones for either reproduction or growth. Powder milk is one such form that is used on regular basis and it comes in a variety of forms, like the whole, buttermilk, non-fat and skim. It is the source of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, potassium, and phosphorous. It is produced by extracting water and fat from fresh pasteurized milk. Beneficial nutrients such amino acids are sustained during the water extraction process. Here are the ingredients in the Hol...